Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"It ain't over until the Fat Lady get's SHOT"

by Erik C Petterson on Sunday, March 27, 2011
 While in Iraq, (2003-04) I had a LOUSY Combat Service Support Transportation Company Commander (CPT."D") and an equally LOUSY 1SG (1SG "J") who wanted to take soldiers off the road, all because they felt that the soldiers weren't "mission capable" due to  AR-600-9,  "The Army over weight program".  Do to this Administrative action our Commander crippled our manpower, creating more work, in the form of frequent and repeat convoy operations for the other "healthier" soldiers in a dangerous environment.  So my C.O. and 1SG, sent your fat son's and daughters, unarmed, on a bus in a convoy to the "Greenzone" to see an imaginary Dietician for counseling (I personally called the Greenzone medical staff and was informed that they had no Dietician in theater).  I have learned through the years that "what we do in Peace time training, is what we do in War." Evidently all my Commander and 1SG were aware of was Administrative red tape, which they brought in buckets full to the theater of operation.  Soldiers on the Weight control program are under what is called "Adverse" or "unfavorable action"  (meaning they can't receive awards, promotions, etc. because they are FAT or in trouble for some reason).  Had the soldier(s) been killed by an IED or by an Attack upon the Convoy, the soldier who was a ZERO would now become a HERO, and the 1SG and C.O. would promote them and award a them  Bronze Star, and purple heart  "posthumously."   However you would never expect this shit bag Commander to write home to the soldier's Mom and Dad, and tell them the truth. ( the circumstances behind "Why" their son /daughter was killed).   If the Commander did write the parents, the letter may go some what better than my sarcastic attempt here, For example: " Dear Mr and Mrs. Porkrind, I'm writing to inform you that Junior was  "overweight", so I placed  him on AR-600-9- "The Army weight control program" and sent him unarmed on convoy in a Hostile country, through a dangerous area of Baghdad, to see a Dietician. (Because I was eventually gonna "Chapter" junior out of the Army anyway, for looking, fat and unsoldierly)  So now your junior is dead; killed by an enemy IED while junior was on convoy in Baghdad.  Well, Mr & Mrs Porkrind, Junior's no longer a PFC..... because I recommended to the BC (Battalion Commander) to promote him to "Sergeant"...he has a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart accompanying that promotion too." You should be proud of junior! He died serving his country, and safe guarding our way of life! In his death, he brings great credit upon himself, his Unit, his Country and the United States Army.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing says 'mission first' like reducing your mission readiness for superficial and petty reasons.
