Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Freedom of information act ain't got nothing on me.

Years ago when my family and I were living in Niederseelbach Germany, My wife (now my EX)  and I told my youngest daughter Chantal, that we had the house "bugged" and could hear all the conversations the kids were having ( we lied of course, just to see what Chantal would do, and because there wasn't anything worth watching on TV, and we were bored).  Chantal couldnt wait to tell the others....she was literally "chomping at the bit".  She quickly excused herself and ran up the staircase to the attic bedrooms to tell her Big sister and brother all about Mom and Dad "bugging" the house, and being able to hear everything.

Minutes later (and I mean MINUTES later) my eldest daughter, my son and his buddy Mario, to include Chantal in tow, came bursting into the living room all pissed off demanding the truth and wanting to know more about this invasion of their privacy!
My wife and I kept up with the story.. and told them that, "we knew everything"!! son pointed his Finger at Mario and blurted out; "He's GAY, I'm NOT!" in our astonishment, and amazement, my wife and I looked at each other, looked at my son, then Mario, then back at each other, as Jessica and Chantal did like wise. We burst into laughter! and Jessica said," I knew you were gay"! Chantal responded with; "whats that mean?" Mario stood there with a blank expression on his face with nothing to say  while my son still pointed an accussing finger....My Wife and I learned a very valuable lesson that day.

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