Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"Are you sure I wasn't supposed to use my son's LEGOS to make my uniform with"?

Well, here is a TOP SECRET tid bit of information. The U.S. Army Combined Armed Support Commity, Force Design Directorate, at Ft. Lee Virginia, is "toying" with the concept of using LEGOS as part of their Force protection and equipment augementation plan within the Armed Forces. Apparently the idea of using LEGOs for the department of defense isnt a new concept at all. The ACU (Army Combat Uniform) with it's unique digital cube camoflague design was actually a first generation LEGO LAND design which had been introduced by the  LEGO LAND Research and development teams to our nations Armed forces. Surprisingly this design was adopted and mass produced for wear by our soldiers in Selective service. The United States Marine Corps were the first to actually field test and mass issue LEGO LAND Camoflague. Shortly thereafter, the United States Army followed "Suit".  Because of the over whelming positve reponse to the LEGO LAND CAMO (LLC) the Force Design Directorate of the Combined Armed Support Commity has been charged with conducting their own research and development into the LLC concept in a far more advanced approach. Large LEGO Kevlar Reinforced BLocks are now being field tested in Afghanistan as field expedient building material. "The blocks are light weight, easy for soldiers to handle, and as any child would tell you, they just snap together," explained Force Design spokes person Cpt. J. McCormick . "You see the respective branches of the Military", Cpt McCormick added, " don't have to spend any addtional training time or monies on instructional materials, as LEGOS are self explanatory and  have been a part of World Culture for well over 50 years". "In additon, every soldier can become an engineer, and build a base camp, as  Force Design foresees very few  limitations (if any) to soldiers other than their individual and collective imaginations".  Radical designs such as LEGO snap together personal kevlar body armer(LBA), (with Ballsitic and caliber protection up grades depending on the weapons threat level)  Vehicle snap together armor to include "LEGO reactive armor" (LRA) for armored vehicles. LEGO Light skin vehicle Armor (LLSVA)   Kevlar reinforced light weight portable protection Blocks for constructing non permanent Shelters, and used in place of Sand bags. Towers, Fences, Road ways, obstacles, these are just a few of the LEGO concepts presently under testing and serious consideration by the Force design Directorate at Ft. Lee Virginia. "This is such a true departure from anything we have previously imagined. Some serious consideration and cost effective proposals have been studied. The LEGO approach is our best bet. Think of the training that is conducted now, by our own children at home?  Our kids are constructing complete facilities out of LEGOS all by themselves. Just imagine what a soldier could do given the same building resources? We would be remiss in our duties, as members of the Armed Forces  if we failed to consider such an option available to us". ( GEN Shenseki, USA, Retired)

Authors Note:
I'm sure our new Camps constructed completely from LEGOS would  be affectionately refered to as "LEGO LANDS".  Or...instead of Life Support areas,  LEGO Support Areas (LSA).

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